Women Work in Mining, Why Not?

Most of us might think that working in mining is only for men. Yes, jobs in the mining industry are indeed assumed and are in great demand by men. However, this does not mean that there are no women in this industry. Although working in the mining sector is full of challenges and risks, it turns out that they are few great women have succeeded in becoming ‘Heroines' in the mining world.
According to the National Labor Force Survey, the percentage of female workers in 2020 reached 39.47% of the total workforce in Indonesia. However, the percentage of female workers is still around 8.14% in the mining sector. Thus, several Indonesian mining companies are now committed to increasing the role and involvement of women in their operations.
The figures of Heroeines in the mining world draw attentions. They are trusted to occupy various important and strategic positions within the company, starting from the Director of HSE Corporate, even to the President Director In 2020, special awards and appreciations for Heroine figures in the mining world were also given at the Annual Professional Meeting of the Indonesian Mining Experts Association (TPT PERHAPI) in the Best Woman in Mining category. This means that the experiences, contributions, ideas, and innovations produced by women in the mining sector are actually not inferior to men.
Of course, regardless of gender, the mining industry must uphold the values of equality, inclusiveness, and diversity. Every worker, regardless of gender, has the right to equal opportunities to get a role, be involved, work and collaborate in the mining industry. So that women are also able to make a real contribution in advancing the world of mining in the country in the end.
By: Corporate Communications PT ABM Investama Tbk.