SSB Launches the First 80 TON Blade Ejector Trailer in Indonesia

SSB's ongoing commitment to increasing customer productivity, while supporting the acceleration of national economic recovery
JAKARTA, June 14, 2022 — Engineering and manufacturing company PT Sanggar Sarana Baja (SSB) which is a subsidiary of PT ABM Investama Tbk (IDX: ABMM) launched the first 80 TON Blade Ejector Trailer in Indonesia equipped with the latest technology with an electronic control system. The presence of heavy equipment that can accommodate up to 80 TON is part of SSB's vision in providing engineered solutions through relevant technology to optimize customer productivity, while supporting the acceleration of national economic recovery (PEN).
Johan Budisusetija as Director of SSB explained, this latest unit has been equipped with the latest technologies that make it superior to similar units on the market. "Armed with expertise and experience in engineering and manufacturing, we are optimistic that the presence of the first 80 TON Blade Ejector Trailer product in Indonesia is very effective in increasing customer productivity in various industrial fields," said Johan.
This unit is the latest offering from SSB which was first designed in March 2021 and started production in October 2021, the unit has been equipped with an integrated electronic-based control system, a human machine interface that can provide all information about its products, such as safety information in case of overload, informing the state of the stuck blade. or overspeed. "This product can also send data for analysis purposes, unit operations, average capacity accommodated, road conditions based on the environment (road contours) so that customers can get real-time visibility of the product for the decision making system analysis process," added Johan.
The Blade Ejector Trailer itself is a flexible means of transporting various materials, and will provide convenience in removing the material it is carrying, by pushing the load to the disposal gate without having to lift the dump body or tub. This, of course, can minimize the occurrence of overturned trailers or left behind so that it will maximize the loading and unloading process, as well as operational safety standards.
As a national industrial engineering company that prioritizes product quality and service quality, SSB always strives to present innovative technology-based solutions by prioritizing global insights. "We hope that the launch of the latest 80 TON Blade Ejector Trailer product can be a solution for customers in maximizing their productivity in various industrial sectors, as well as supporting the acceleration of the national economic recovery," concluded Johan.