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MoU between UTU and PT MIFA Bersaudara


Taking place in PT MIFA Bersaudara’s office, Thursday, September 10th 2015 Universitas Teuku Umar or known as UTU, represented by Prof. Jasman J. Ma’ruf, SE, MBA as UTU’s rector and MIFA, represented by Slamet Haryadi as MIFA President Director, has signed an Memorandum of Understanding agreed an MoU.

The MoU  is meant to strengthen the relationship in both parties  where currently UTU is one of the public universities in Meulaboh, West Aceh with more than 5,000 students from many faculties. The main goal of partnership is  to develop the students’potential especially their entrepreneurships skill, on the other hand, MIFA Bersaudara as a company that locally  placed nearby UTU, gives the opportunity to cooperate especially on knowledges sharing about best practice knowledge, Thought Leader and Inspirational Leader initiative through public lectures where  MIFA and other ABM’s subsidiaries’  voluntary involved as the speakers