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PT Mifa Bersaudara Scholarship's Students from Meulaboh on Sekolah Sukma Bangsa were Graduated


PIDIE – Took place at Sekolah Sukma Bangsa’s Hall, Gampong Pineung, Peukan Bari, Pidie, PT Mifa Bersaudara’s President Director, Slamet Haryadi among some of the staffs was attending a Graduation Day 2015 and “Dari Sukma Untuk Indonesia” book launching. There was several big names on the guest list: Anies Baswedan as Ministry of National Education, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan as Ministry of Agriculture and M. Prasetyo as Attorney General.

Sekolah Sukma Bangsa is established by Yayasan Sukma. Built in 3 regencies of Aceh: Pidie, Bireuen and Lhokseumawe, Sekolah Sukma Bangsa is meant to accomodate students in Aceh who are victims of a conflict, tsunami and for they who came from poor families also orphaned people. Students of Sekolah Sukma Bangsa are studying based on the curriculum that have been formed by Yayasan Sukma Bangsa’s BOD among the education expertises from Indonesia and overseas. In Sekolah Sukma Bangsa, students are directed to speak foreign languages, keeping them updated with the latest technology without decreasing any culture and religion value.

Since 2012, with Program Pengembangan Masyarakat (PPM) / Society Development Program, along with the third pillar of CSR that focused on the Educational and Training Program, PT Mifa Bersaudara consistently giving a full scholarship to some of students from Meulaboh especially students who came from Ring I (closest to company operational) and have been through the selection phase to be able to study at Sekolah Sukma Bangsa. PT Bara Energi Lestari, sister company of PT Mifa Bersaudara, is doing a similar program by sending some of the students from Nagan Raya to Sekolah Sukma Bangsa. From 173 graduates, 19 students are from Meulaboh and 8 more are from Nagan Raya had completed their education and will be graduated on Graduation Day 2015 which will be held at May 27th 2015.

“We are proud and full of emotion watching these kids that we have been teaching are finally graduating with a great score in this school. Education is the very important asset to build a country, supported by moral and ethics too. Sukma Bangsa has sucessfully give that values to our students. Later on, they will be the generation that will increase economic development and growth in Aceh, especially West Aceh with high leaderships and great moral and ethic on themselves.” Said Slamet Haryadi, in the middle of the event.