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Scholars in Mining Spots


Since 2012, PT ABM Investama Tbk, through its subsidiaries is giving scholarships to students with achievements that come from needy family around the mining spot in West Aceh and Nagan Ray. The Scholarships itselves is the part of  Society Development Around Mining Spot (Program Pengembangan Masyarakat Sekitar Proyek Pertambangan). The scholarships are distributed with help of the highly reputated and quality foundation in West Aceh with great infrastructure that could develop students ability and skills.

There are 52 students from nearby mining spot that have benefit the scholarships, starting from junior high school (SMP) and senior high school (SMA). The scholarships programs started with the selection process to filter how many students that qualified for these scholarships, this process involved society, keucik, head of Gampong, and another public figure around the mining spot.

The scholars admit that they really feel the benefit of this program and very useful for their future, especially changing their life to be better than before, including discipline in terms of studying and improving school achievements.


Alvin Wira Yudha

One of the scholars and studying at Yayasan Sekolah Unggulan Kemanusiaan or known as Yayasan Sukma Pidie, in senior high school level, is Alvin Wira Yudha, came from Gampong Kuala Trang, Kuala Pasir, Nagan Raya, graduate from MTS Swasta Nurul Falah, Alvin was born in Desa Padang Panjang May 17th 1997, became a champion in Science Olympic – Astronomic Study in 2012. Academically, Alvin currently in top 10 on his year and top 3 on his class.


Khusnur Khatimah

The second student that prove her achievement after receiving the scholarship is Khusnur Khatikmah who was born in Desa Pante Geulampong, July 23rd 1997. Graduate from SMP Negeri 1, Tangan Tangan, West Aceh, she is currently studying at SMA in Gampong Balee, Meureubo, West Aceh. Khusnur is the leader among the female students, her leadership was shown when she became one of the dorm manager in female dorm of Sekolah Sukma Bangsa Pidie. Khusnur is the example of an influential student. She is brave, honest and serious. Consistently, Khusnur is a top 5-ers in her year and also her class.